2021 is quickly and slowly approaching. Anyone else feel that way? I know I do. So I’ve been doing some things to prepare for when the time comes. I feel Jesus told me to start doing new and exciting things in 2021, so I’m working to make them happen.

I have a bad habit of hearing from God, get excited about it, and then let some time pass and lose my enthusiasm. But, I don’t want that to happen this time. God has asked me to do important work, and I want to be a good steward of the gifts he’s given me.

So, in order to make sure that I’m working towards the project and dream God has in store for me, I’ve written down two goals for 2021. While I’ll still be working part time for DOOR (and loving every minute of it), I’ll also have time for these other projects.

These goals might not take the whole year. That’s ok. I don’t need to set new goals yet, because God hasn’t told me what new goals to set. These both came from Jesus, so I believe in them. And I want to have space when Jesus tells me what the next thing is.

So, without further ado, my goals for 2021:

1. Adapt my Children’s Book into ASL

Did you know I wrote a book this year? I did. One day in January, I was driving home in some heavy traffic and all of a sudden, images and texts and outlines and inspiration start flying through my mind. Jesus was revealing to me what he wanted this book to be about. He wanted me to write for children so they could understand hard concepts that some adults don’t know. He wanted me to share with them about prayer, angels, demons, and their role in the His story. And he wanted me to do it in a sign language so Deaf kids could read it, too.

I was like, “This is great, but I’m in the car!” I got home as fast as I could and started writing down everything I saw and heard.

Over the next several months, I would be listening to a sermon, friend, book, nature and a sentence would hit and I couldn’t drop the sentence. I just replayed it over and over in my mind until I would come sit at the computer and write it out. And before I knew it, there would be a whole page written down that I couldn’t remember what I said. I would go back and read it and say, “Oh yeah, that’s good.” I don’t boast in myself, but I boast in Jesus Christ – he inspired it all. Breathed it all into life.

Now, you can buy the English version of this book! But it’s not done. It was always intended to be in ASL (American Sign Language). So, next year, I’m going to start adapting the English version into ASL. I plan to outline, write, edit and hopefully record. I’ll also start researching ways to publish the material. Since it will be in a video format, the normal print publishing streams aren’t really an option. We’ll see how God makes the way.

2. Start a YouTube Channel

I’ve had a YouTube channel in the past. In fact, it’s still there; you can do watch my 2.5 years of weekly posts about my thoughts and reactions to life. The first year is actually responses to reading the Bible in a Year with my church family.

Anyway, this channel was in English. Now, I feel God calling me to make a channel in ASL. I have several topics I want to talk about in ASL: prayer, forgiveness, the heart, your story, soul ties, aspects of Jesus, the coming kingdom, etc.

This is going to be a big project. A weekly teaching video actually takes a lot of dedication, studying, editing, learning, and time. But these concepts aren’t easily accessible in other languages, especially signed languages. And I have the unique opportunity to take what I’ve been learning over years and put it into a new language to teach others. These ideas and concepts have helped me in more ways than I can tell you hear, and I want to share them with other.

You know, there is a way things work. And everyone is worthy of learning about it.

So, those are my two goals for 2021. Pipe dream or undercutting it? I’m not sure, but the same power that brought Jesus Christ back from the dead lives inside of me. So, I will not fear because I have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

If you want to get a copy of my book, click here to find it on Amazon.

If you want to watch my English YouTube channel, click here.

What are some of your 2021 goals? Let me know in the comments below!

One thought on “2021 goals

  1. Goals: survive seminary… Haha, that’s it. I mean, I need to think about it. Good question to start thinking about a little early. I guess it’s just a couple months away!


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