I have a few things you might find interesting. My newest endeavor is my children’s book called This is Your Story! It’s a chapter book written in English that walks a reader through the story God is telling and explains their role. Their heart, their soul, their life is important and God cares about it. It’s not a childish topic, but children can learn from it. I know I learned from writing it. I’m excited to share it with you all. Just click the image below to get a copy for yourself today!

I have a YouTube channel where I’ve been posting videos for over a year about my thoughts and what Jesus has been teaching me. And, I will keep posting those videos – it’s a quick way to keep up with me and to give you something to think about during your day. Click the image below to visit my channel.

I also wrote a book in 2018 about ASL handshapes. It’s a preschool aged book that teaches kids (or new ASL learners) how handshapes help make signs. (Just like letters help make words in English.) You can buy my book on Amazon.

Additionally, I have an email group. You can be added to that and get weekly updates about my mission, thoughts, tips, or prayer requests. To join, just email katethegreat1018@gmail.com and mention your want to be included! Kate’ll get you added right away.