Currently, my biggest need is financial support. I am being sent by people just like you. You are sending me out to impact the Deaf, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. People are giving to me monthly at an average of $100/month and as special gifts.

Click the image above and select “Partner with Kate Today”

A safe, tax-deductible, easy way to give is through DOOR International. Click here to sign up for that. Please select “Partner with Kate Today” on that page. When you sign up to give through DOOR, you can give one time or set it up to give recurringly.

If you start giving this way, first, Thank you! Second, could you send me a quick note to let me know? I’d like to update my information regularly, and it can take up to a month for me to find out if you have given through the website.

To learn about other ways you can support me (prayer, proofreading, etc.) send me a personal message. I would love you get you connected to my team in a way that can bless us both! Here’s my contact page – link.